Register today for Virginia ABC’s FREE licensee training! For your convenience, we offer three licensee responsibility courses — Managers’ Alcohol Responsibility Training (MART), Responsible Alcohol Delivery Driver (RADD), and Responsible Sellers & Servers: Virginia’s Program (RSVP) to assist businesses in shouldering their many responsibilities for maintaining a safe and regulated operation, which include preventing underage sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The classes were designed to support sellers and servers in understanding the facts of alcohol education and prevention and Virginia ABC’s laws and regulation. The trainings provide the participants the tools and knowledge needed to be successful and compliant.
Trainings are held regionally and conducted by Virginia ABC special agents to help managers and owners of licensed establishments become more responsible and to better understand Virginia laws, rules and regulations. To take this course, please sign up for our online or in person option.
RADD online training is designed to educate licensees and alcoholic beverage delivery drivers on delivery best practices. Join us in preventing unlawful sales and consumption of alcoholic beverages while running a successful and safe business. To take this course, please sign up online here.
Trainings are held regionally and conducted by Virginia ABC special agents to help alcohol sellers and servers in licensed establishments become more responsible and to better understand Virginia laws, rules and regulations. To take this course, please sign up for our online or in person option.
Pursuant to COV 4.1-227(E), STAP reviews and approves alcohol seller and server training programs external to Virginia ABC for approved use by licensed establishments in Virginia. To learn more about the program, click here.
Virginia ABC offers free online training to help managers, sellers and servers to become more responsible and better understand ABC laws, rules and regulations. For more information, contact Community Health & Prevention, (804) 977-7440 or [email protected].