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Virginia ABC Licensing (VAL) System

The VAL system provides licensees the ability to manage their account and profile, including adding authorized users (employees, delegates, attorneys, licensing services, etc.).

VAL also provides complete online access to business transactions with Virginia ABC, including:

  • Licenses and Permits—apply, renew, modify, surrender, etc.
  • Financial Transactions—payment of all fees, civil fines or penalties, etc.
  • Hearings and Appeals—reporting and correspondence
  • Training Records—officially record responsibility training such as RSVP and MART.
For the optimal experience when using the VAL system, we recommend Google Chrome. Microsoft Edge is also supported. Please know that the VAL system is not compatible with Safari or mobile devices. If you have questions, please contact Virginia ABC's Customer Service Center at (804) 213-4513 or email [email protected].

For New Licensees

If you are a new licensee with Virginia ABC, you can begin using the system as soon as you create an account. Begin the account setup process by clicking on "Sign Up" at VAL Login.


Our training library provides tutorials on using VAL.


View our FAQs for quick answers about using VAL.


We welcome your feedback about the VAL System. 
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Need Help?

Special agents are the primary resource for questions related to operating a business with an ABC license. Contact a special agent via your regional ABC office. For step-by-step assistance in banquet licensing, see our Licensing Wizard.


Virginia ABC offers free online training to help managers, sellers and servers to become more responsible and better understand ABC laws, rules and regulations. For more information, contact Community Health & Prevention, (804) 977-7440 or [email protected].