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Explore Central Virginia Distilleries

Central Virginia Distilleries

The rolling landscapes of Virginia’s Piedmont that stretch from the Blue Ridge Mountains to the tidal waters of the Chesapeake Bay offer the perfect climate and an abundance of natural resources for distilling fine spirits. Whether tucked in the region’s rural foothills or in Richmond’s burgeoning food and beverage scene, a number of distilleries offer opportunities to sample some of Virginia’s finest spirits in Central Virginia.

* Denotes not open to public

Location Distillery Website
Afton Silverback Distillery sbdistillery.com
Amelia Dogged State Distilling Company doggedstate.com
Charlottesville Monte Piccolo* montepiccolo.com
Charlottesville Ragged Branch Distillery raggedbranch.com
Charlottesville Spirit Lab Distilling spiritlabdistilling.com
Charlottesville Three Notch’d Distilling Co. threenotchdbrewing.com
Charlottesville Vitae Spirits* vitaespirits.com
Charlottesville Waterbird Spirits* waterbirdspirits.com
Chesterfield Lincoln Ridge Distillery lincolnridgeinc.com/distillery
Cumberland Glenno Distillery glennodistillery.com
Evington Dome & Spear Distillery* mccauleysvirginiabourbonwhiskey.com/for-bars-under-construction
Evington Virginia Foothills Distillery & Co. facebook.com/vafoothillsdistillery
Faber Woods Mill Distillery* instagram.com/woodsmilldistillery
Lovingston Virginia Distilling Co. vadistillery.com
Maidens Hill Top Distillery thehilltopdistillery.com
Nellysford Bold Rock Distillery boldrock.com/visit/nellysford-barrel-barn
Nellysford Three Notch’d Distilling Co. threenotchdbrewing.com
North Garden Laird & Company* lairdandcompany.com
Powhatan Three Crosses Distilling Co. threecrossesdistilling.com
Rapidan WAR Craft Brewery warcraftbrewery.com
Rice Sandy River Distillery sandyriverdistillery.com
Richmond Belle Isle Craft Spirits belleislecraftspirits.com
Richmond Cirrus Vodka Distillery cirrusvodka.com
Richmond Reservoir Distillery reservoirdistillery.com
Richmond Three Notch’d Distilling Co. threenotchdbrewing.com
Richmond Trial & Error Distillery trialanderrordistillery.com
Richmond Urban Rum Company N/A
Richmond Virago Spirits viragospirits.com
Richmond Vitae Spirits Distillery vitaespirits.com
Roseland Devil's Backbone Distilling Co. dbbrewingcompany.com/spirits

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