Virginia ABC > Stores > Store FAQs
ABC Store 41 Herndon
If you have a question about specific Virginia ABC stores, please visit the store pages. Can’t find the answer to your question? You may also contact your local ABC store.

General Information

Who determines when to close stores during bad weather?

Decisions to close Virginia ABC stores during emergency situations, including inclement weather, are made by the regional manager. Regional managers communicate with individual store managers to gather additional information on local conditions as necessary. When determining whether to open a store or close a store early, regional and store managers will consider such things as the operating hours of nearby businesses, consumer demand, road conditions in the area and forecasted weather. Safety of our individual employees is top priority when deciding whether to open or close a store, with customer service being a very close second. As a sole-source retailer, Virginia ABC strives to provide the best and most convenient service to our retail and licensee customers, and will make every effort to have each store open for some portion of each day as conditions warrant, although that is not always possible. Please contact your store directly to inquire about changes to operating hours with the understanding that during unpredictable situations, circumstances may change quickly.

Who hires the store employees?

Applicants for store positions must apply online. Your application will be submitted to the regional office and made available to store managers throughout your area. You may contact individual ABC stores about job openings, but applications must still be submitted online. All applicants will undergo a criminal background check prior to hiring consideration.

How does a licensee get assigned to a store?

Licensees are assigned to stores by the special agent responsible for the establishment. Licensees are able to change their assigned store at any time, for any reason. Initial assignment is based on factors such as convenience for the licensee and/or availability of product at a particular location.

Who determines which products are carried in each store?

Product selection is driven by customer sales.

How are the locations for stores selected?

Virginia ABC weighs a number of factors when determining the location for new stores and expanding customer access. These include a location’s demographics, traffic patterns, rental rate and population density. It also considers the distance of a location to existing stores, sales at those stores, tenant mix at the shopping center, and the accessibility and deliverability to the location. This process has led to the creation of more than 400 stores throughout the commonwealth, with 92 percent of Virginians living only 10 minutes from a Virginia ABC store.

How do I obtain approval to fundraise or post educational materials at Virginia ABC stores?

Virginia ABC is committed to a standard of messaging and responsibility advertising that upholds Virginia ABC’s mission and values. All submitted applications will be reviewed by Virginia ABC’s In-Store Request Review Committee to ensure compliance with all guidelines and rules listed on this site and determine approval of applications. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

For any questions, please contact [email protected].

 Round 1—January to June Displays  Round 2—July to December Displays 
 Application Period: September 1 to 30
 Applicant Notification: October 31
 Application Period: March 1 to 30
 Applicant Notification: April 30

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