Virginia ABC operates more than 395 retail stores statewide. Full-time and part-time store positions regularly become available throughout the state. Virginia ABC employees work hard each day to bring good spirits and excellent service to Virginia.
We are looking for motivated individuals with robust character from different backgrounds for a variety of retail and business support positions. If you are reliable, want a career that allows you to be engaged in your community and want to work in a spirited environment, join our team of top-shelf talent!
Email: [email protected]
Technical support with Jobs:
(804) 213-4513
Virginia ABC is V3 Certified.
The Virginia Values Veterans Program (V3) helps employers implement nationally recognized best practices in recruiting, hiring and retaining highly-skilled and dependable veterans.
The Department of Human Resources Management (DHRM) is the first source for information about working for the commonwealth, including state employee benefits.