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Explore Northern Virginia Distilleries

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Northern Virginia Distilleries

Sometimes referred to as “Virginia’s Cultural Region,” Northern Virginia offers a deep well of history and multi-cultural experiences. Adjacent to our nation’s capital, Northern Virginia’s storied horse country, historic sites and bustling towns serve as the perfect setting for some of Virginia’s finest distilled spirits.

* Denotes not open to public

Location Distillery Website
Alexandria George Washington's Distillery at Mount Vernon mountvernon.org/the-estate-gardens/distillery
Ashburn Old Ox Brewery oldoxbrewery.com
Bristow Murlarkey Distilled Spirits murlarkey.com
Culpeper Belmont Farms Distillery belmontfarmdistillery.com
Culpeper Old House Vineyards oldhousetoday.com
Fairfax Greenspur Distillery lostwhiskey.com
Falls Church Falls Church Distillers fcdistillers.com
Fredericksburg A. Smith Bowman Distillery asmithbowman.com
Fredericksburg Ironclad Distillery ironcladinn.com
Huntly Dida's Distillery didasdistillery.com
Leesburg Droumavalla Farm droumavalla.com
Lovettsville Flying Ace Distillery flyingacefarm.com
Manassas KO Distilling kodistilling.com
Middleburg Mount Defiance Cidery & Distillery mtdefiance.com
Purcellville Catoctin Creek Distillery catoctincreekdistilling.com
Reston Open Road Distilling Co. openroaddistillingco.com
Sperryville Copper Fox Distillery of Sperryville copperfoxdistillery.com/sperryville-distillery-tours
Springfield Orkney Springs Distillery orkneyspringsdistillery.com

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