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Manufacturer's Rebates

Following are guidelines for manufacturers offering distilled spirits, wine and beer rebates.

Distilled Spirits and Virginia Wine Rebates at Virginia ABC Stores

Manufacturers offering refund rebates on spirits and wine sold in Virginia ABC stores shall notify Virginia ABC at least 15 days in advance of issuance of the rebates and their amount, expiration date and the area of the Commonwealth in which they will be primarily used, if not used statewide. For questions on rebates in Virginia ABC stores, please call (804) 213-8924 or send an email to [email protected].

Wholesale licensees are not permitted to offer rebates.

Wine and Beer Rebates

Preapproval for wine and beer rebates is not required; however, if you have questions, please call (804) 213‐4632 or send an email to [email protected].

Mail‐in Rebates

  • Manufacturers of beer and wine may only offer refund rebates by mail. Virginia tied‐house laws prohibit the payment, either directly or indirectly, by a manufacturer or importer of alcoholic beverages to a retail licensee. Therefore, an alcoholic beverage manufacturer and/or importer cannot offer instant redemption rebates in Virginia.
  • The rebate must not exceed 50 percent of the normal retail price for the alcoholic beverages. “Normal retail price” shall mean the average retail price of the brand and size of the product in a given market, and not a reduced or discounted price.
  • The rebate may not be honored at a retail outlet, but shall be mailed directly by the customer to the manufacturer or its designated agent.  Such agent may not be a wholesaler or retailer of alcoholic beverages.
  • Rebates are permitted in the print media, the internet, by direct mail or by electronic mail to consumers.
  • Beer and wine wholesalers may provide rebate pads to retailers for use by retailers on their premises, if done for all retail licensees equally and after obtaining consent, which may be a continuing consent, of each retailer or his representative.
  • Wholesale licensees may attach refund rebates to the package if done for all retail licensees equally and after obtaining consent, which may be a continuing consent, of each retailer or his representative.
  • Retailers may not be paid a fee to display or use rebates.
  • No rebates may be customized for a particular retailer.
  • Persons less than 21 years of age may not redeem rebates.
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