Home > Licenses > Industry Resources: Distilled Spirits > Contests and Sweepstakes

Contests and Sweepstakes

Following are guidelines for manufacturers offering contests and sweepstakes.

Distilled Spirits and Virginia Wine Contests/Sweepstakes in Virginia ABC Stores

For questions/approval requests for contests and/or sweepstakes on distilled spirits and Virginia wine sold in Virginia ABC stores, please send an email to [email protected].

Manufacturers Offering Wine and Beer Contests/Sweepstakes

Pre‐approval for wine and beer contests and/or sweepstakes is not required; however, if you have questions, please call (804) 213-4632 or send an email to [email protected].


  • No purchase can be required for participation in the contest/sweepstakes.
  • Those entering the contest/sweepstakes must be of legal drinking age (21 years of age or older).
  • Prizes of alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  • A retailer must not participate in a contest/sweepstakes in any way. For example, the contest/sweepstakes must not mention a specific retailer, the drawing must not be held on a retail premises and the prize(s) must not be given away on a retail premises.
  • Contests and sweepstakes can be text‐to‐win, internet or mail‐in.
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