Home > Licenses > VAL System > License Definitions > Mixed Beverage Restaurant at Port of Entry

Mixed Beverage Restaurant at Port of Entry

A mixed beverage restaurant at port of entry license grants the following privileges to a licensee at establishments located on US government-owned property used as a port of entry or egress to and from the US:

  • sell and serve wine, beer and mixed beverages for on-premises consumption in the restaurant, private rooms, or designated areas
  • sell wine and beer in closed containers for off-premises consumption




COV 4.1-206.3.(A)(13)—Retail Licenses
COV 4.1-231.1.(A)(3)(n)—Fees on state licenses

Apply for This License

Completing the application may take 15–30 minutes. Average ABC processing time is 60–90 days. View the list of retail license documents (PDF) required to complete the application. Apply for this license (PDF).

The information on this page does not in any way replace or supersede what is listed in Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia or Title 3 of the Administrative Code of Virginia. It is the responsibility of every individual or business applying for a license or permit to review, in detail, the applicable sections of the code.
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Need Help?

Special agents are the primary resource for questions related to operating a business with an ABC license. Contact a special agent via your regional ABC office. For step-by-step assistance in banquet licensing, see our Licensing Wizard.


Virginia ABC offers free online training to help managers, sellers and servers to become more responsible and better understand ABC laws, rules and regulations. For more information, contact Community Health & Prevention, (804) 977-7440 or [email protected].

License Definitions
  • Mixed Beverage Restaurant at Port of Entry