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The Four Elements

4 Elements

Experience the four elements in our cocktail selection: Earth is savory. Water is refreshing. Fire is bold. Air is full of light delights. Find your perfect match today!

Match your zodiac sign with one of the four elements:

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.


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Each of these cocktails carefully combine ingredients to emphasize a different elemental flavor profile, from savory to sweet.


Discover the elemental essence of your astrology sign with our tailored cocktail collection. To view each individual recipe, follow the links below.

Elemental Earth (Earth)
Crafted with agave nectar as its foundation, this tequila cocktail is infused with earthy notes of beets, elevated by the warm embrace of ginger.

Aqua Martini (Water)
This clear and neutral Martini riff is a symphony of flavors, featuring aquavit, the "water of life," renowned for its herbal and spicy notes.

Inferno Manhattan (Fire)
Ignite your senses with this smoky scotch, infusing the classic cocktail with an intense, fiery character. 

Breezy Gin Fizz (Air)
This crisp and invigorating cocktail features a delicate foam that floats atop the drink, creating an airy sensation with every sip.